
dimanche 21 mars 2010

3ème bd Better Dead un conte de noël enfin fini!!!!

well folks, sorry this isn't in english, but I guess you can understand the story by looking at the images.
This ugly bounty hunter is pretending to be father christmas to catch mmmmm kill the young man because he hasn't got enough money to pay his drinks. The last page explains it when Sergio Ballone, the bounty hunter, shows the bartender with what he is going to pay for his drinks.
Apparently, the bartender said few days ago in his bar that he would give 5 dollars to whoever will track down and bring in front of him the kid who steals candies from his wife's convenience store.
The ruthless Ballone of course took it seriously and considers that  he deserves his due.

La vache ça fait du bien, elle a trainé cette histoire mais elle est enfin terminée. Une jolie histoire a raconter à ses petits enfants plus tard à la veillée de noël.

samedi 20 mars 2010

third page in color...finally

I will post the three final pages tomorrow as I will put the text as soon as I can. The next story will be a little longer and I will put on the blog a teaser poster of this new installement probably this coming week.

Je vais rajouter les bulles dans la journée de demain et poster enfin ce spécial noel dans son integralité.
L'histoire suivante et donc écrite et je compte mettre un affiche teaser coloriée dès que possible, sûrement dans la semaine, il me reste à encrer.

mardi 9 mars 2010

God of war

En lisant les excellentes critiques du très attendu "God of war 3", jeux vidéo dont la sortie est prévue la semaine prochaine sur PS3, je n'ai pu m'empêcher de faire un rapide sketch du sieur Kratos, héros de la fameuse franchise. De ce fait, je me suis hâté de lui mettre un chtiot coup de couleurs.

Heuuu non je ne parle pas de ce god of war là, bien entendu...... j'ai craqué!

Voilà le vrai dieu de la guerre... Kratos

Our dear english speaking visitors, don't bother wondering what the first picture is all about.... mmmok, maybe I have to explain it to you. As you can see I couldn't resist doing a quick drawing of Kratos from "God of war 3" on my spare time today so I had to give it a few colors.
The first picture representing a dildo is translated as "god" in french (I can teach you some good french right?) with an army pattern for war...Get the joke ? Doesn't work very well in english does it ? As far I am concerned I had to do it, forgive me for that  :)

vendredi 5 mars 2010

2nde page colored


I cannot wait to add the text but before that step, I need to finish the work with page 3.

En attendant page 3 que je compte finir ce week end, cette seconde page n'attend plus que les bulles et un coup de polish.